Monday, June 30, 2008

Corruption or Coincidence?

Any discussion of President Bush or his administration is sure to become a heated debate among conservatives and liberals. It is difficult to have an apolitical position, but when faced with the turmoil of the last 7-8 years I am reminded of a quote from The Godfather.

Don Corleone:
I never wanted this for you. I worked my whole life, I don’t apologize, to take care of my family. And I refused to be a fool dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don’t apologize, that’s my life.

If you look at the main players and countries involved in the events of the last 8 years or so a distinct pattern emerges.

Principal players:
George H.W. Bush-Former oilman and Former President.
George W. Bush-Former oilman and Former President.
Dick Cheney-Former Haliburton CEO and Current vice president.
House of Saud-Control largest oil reserves in the world.
Osama Bin Laden-Saudi expatriate, leader of Al Qaeda, 9/11.
Bin Laden Family-wealthy Saudi family with business ties the the Bush family.

Principal Countries:
U.S. -formerly number one consumer of petroleum.
Saudi Arabia-Largest oil reserves in the world, 18 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.
Iran-2nd largest oil reserves in the world.
Iraq-3rd largest oil reserves in the world, U.S. led regime change removed Saddam Hussein from power.

Miscellaneous-Oil prices at all-time high, war with Iraq continues, murmurs of war with Iran

I don't necessarily think there is a nefarious conspiracy being perpetrated. When you look at just the details it becomes difficult for those who lean towards the liberal perspective to not say "wait a minute here." Its not that it doesn't add up, its that it all does seem to add up to something. The question is whether this is corruption or coincidence. Is our collective milkshake being drank?

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