Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Abolish the Two-Party System

Republicans=Fascists Democrats=Communists/Socialists Both =Authoritarian

Government has become so ineffectual, corrupt, and insulated from actual America that we need to dump our current two-party system. The political spectrum is far too complex to reduce all voters into two parties as well. Its like being to root for the Yankees or Boston even if you are a Cubs fan.

The two parties have monopolized politics in America by making themselves the only game in town. The parties are an entrenched bureaucracy that keeps many candidates like Ron Paul and Ralph Nader on the sidelines. In many states, third-party candidates can't even get on the ballot. Texas, for example makes it almost impossible to get on the ballot as a third-party candidate.

Neither party is truly the party of liberty, freedom, and justice. Both parties serve collectivist and monied interests. Dems want to control your pocketbook and Republicans want to control your personal life ex. gay marriage and the war on drugs. Both parties think they can make better decisions for individuals than the individuals themselves. They would both like the government to control you, but they can't agree on exactly how that control should be carried out.

Kudos to Ron Paul for attempting to truly change government. More people need to realize that the two-party system is broken and needs to be scrapped. If we slip into another great depression it is likely that at least one of the current parties will be demoted, and lets be honest its more likely that the Dems will flounder. Hopefully people are ready for a real change before the U.S. collapses on itself.

Until then I am forced to try and decide the lesser of two evils between McSame and Obamanible snowman.

1 comment:

Brendan Steinhauser said...

The nature of government is that it centralizes its own power. Both parties have contributed to the growth in government over the years, with the exception of a couple of aberrations.

I think we all need to re-read Barry Goldwater's book Conscience of a Conservative. Whether you are a libertarian or a conservative, or a liberal that fears the growth of government, his book was about extending freedom. The only way to extend freedom is to limit government.