Thursday, August 28, 2008

Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan: All Part of the Plan?

Today I came across a Washington Post article: U.N. Finds Airstrike Killed 90 Afghans Most of Fatalities In U.S.-Led Attack Said to Be Children.

The most telling quote from the article is

Kai Eide, the top U.N. official in Afghanistan, said local officials and residents in the western province of Herat corroborated reports that 60 children and 30 adults had been killed in an Aug. 21 military operation led by U.S. Special Operations forces and the Afghan army.

Of course, most Americans will never even hear about this tragedy. Even if they did, nobody would raise an eyebrow because "its all part of the plan." We wonder why the Muslim world despises us. If the Afghans killed 90 Americans we would retaliate swiftly and decisively. The best military money can buy ends up killing 90 innocent people and no one even bats an eye.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? Aren't we supposed to be winning hearts and minds, not destroying them.

Of course, in today's insane political climate bringing such tragedies to light and asking logical questions about our actions only makes one a tin-foil hat wearing communist/terrorist supporter that probably harvests stem cells from aborted fetuses.

This really underscores the amazing power of idealogy to engineer a false consciousness or some other mechanism which allows injustice and murder to persist. Divide and conquer tactics have successfully rendered the American public immobile.

Even though the government has repeatedly shown it cannot be trusted (Iraq anyone?), just go shopping, watch tv and play video games. While innocent people die turn your back and shut you eyes and ears. Americans have bigger concerns than 90 dead innocents, like the price of gas or the latest celebrity scandal.

Don't worry Americans, "its all part of the plan...even if the plan is horrifying."

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