Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Shocker: McCain Didn't Vote for Bush in 2000!!!

According to this post by Arianna Huffington, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/what-john-mccain-told-me_b_100183.html , McCain and his wife didn't vote for G.W. Bush in 2000. Of course, considering the source I can understand why some may be skeptical. However, Huffington does point out the growing trend of McCain flip-flops. I have noticed McCain flip-flopping more than John Kerry on a trampoline, which is why I have come to the conclusion that if Obama does not get the Democratic nod I may end up doing something I swore I would never do and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Its about time someone took McCain to task on all his flip-flops. The mainstream media certainly has ignored a whole series of McCain errors to go unchecked. The lack of support among the Republican base is the root cause of McCain's teetertottering. Huffington is correct, the straight talk express has hit an oil slick, flown off a cliff, fallen 10,000 feet and exploded on impact.

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