Friday, May 16, 2008

Bushwhacked Again!

Let me apologize in advance for the ensuing attack on lame duck President Bush. As an American I am outraged that the president had the gall to make the comments he made about so-called "appeasers" in front of the Israeli parliament. Let me qualify my position by stating that my anger at W's actions goes well beyond partisanship. I feel bad for heaping even more criticism at the beleaguered commander-in-chief, but for the love of god he just keeps asking for it, and especially this time I must oblige him.

Whether or not the president was calling out Obama or other democrats, or even Ron Paul, he should not have made such politicized remarks in front of the governing body of another nation even though Israel is our staunch ally. It would be cowardly enough to make the same old tired Rovesque stateside, but when the president of the United States of America goes overseas and makes a fool of himself and the country by attacking American people(Obama according to msm) while standing in foreign soil I find myself struggling to grapple with the psychology of such a man.

How can a man whose own foreign policy blunders are the stuff of legend find himself in the position to make such an attack from half-way around the globe? Answer: the same man who decided to invade Iraq pre-emptively while we were already at war in Afghanistan; this is the same man who is brazen enough to label others as being on equal terms with Nazi "appeasers." I find this deeply offensive and am saddened that we have drifted so far from the American way.

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