Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rev. Wright Round II

I defended Reverand Jeremiah Wright in a recent post, and was happy to do so. His antics yesterday however, were certainly bizarre in terms of motivation. To use a term Howard Cosell used when interviewing Muhammad Ali, Wright behaved rather truculantly. Wright has done himself, the black church, and Barack Obama a disservice. His behavior has played directly into the hands of those who would dismiss the legitimacy of his pulpit and his message of dissent, not to mention the candidacy of Senator Obama. Wright deserves our respect for serving in the military and the work he has done in the south-side of Chicago, and it therefore saddens me that he has behaved so recklessly.

Nevertheless, I was not outraged at what Wright said, but more by the manner in which he conducted himself, which was contrary to the ideal vision of a pastor. His conduct at the national press club was arrogant, but also hilarious. I particularly enjoyed his dancing and when he threw his hands up much like a football player after answering a particular question with a strong sense self-satisfaction.

1 comment:

Brendan Steinhauser said...

Check out Stanley Kurtz's cover story for National Review entitled, "The God of Black Power" to see the root of all Wright's black liberation theology nonsense.

Nothing new here, just the same Marxist ideology mixed with black power.

Quote: The black intellectual’s goal, says [James] Cone, is to “aid in the destruction of America as he knows it.” Such destruction requires both black anger and white guilt.