Monday, April 14, 2008

Hillary Needs to Chillary Allready

The race for the Democratic nomination is perhaps the most spirited political race of the century. I think it is a great thing for the Democratic party to have two "outstanding" candidates to choose from, at least if you ask Democrats.
I find the amount of attacks that the Clintons are leveling against Barack Obama to be a bit on the extreme side. For the love of god, do they not realize that they are both Democrats. John McCain has been less vociferous in his attacks on Obama than Hillary and I find that shameful. I have more respect for the McCain campaign than for the Clinton campaign. The Clintons are letting McCain off of the hook drastically and making themselves look pathetically desperate in their quest to win the nomination.
Let me qualify my remarks by saying that I do not buy into the media hype that this race is tearing the Democratic party apart, but I do think the Clintons should be chastised for their negative campaigning. Do they not realize that their credibility is rapidly dissolving, at least among those of us paying close attention. Obama's has amazingly been able to stay above the fray, but how long can he keep on the defensive? The fact that Obama has eschewed negative campaigning (certainly in comparison to the Clintons) only bolsters Obama's appeal in my mind. If the Clinton's only successful strategy is mudslinging shouldn't that provide them and Democratic voters that they are desperate and will resort to any tactic they feel will gain them a percentage point. Say what you will about Obama; he may be a politician, but at least he's good at it.

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