Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin Will Probably Cost McCain the Election

Following Obama's capitulation on FISA, I became increasingly disillusioned with his campaign. Even though I voted for him TWICE, once in the Texas primary and once during the caucus I have since decided not to vote for him in the general election.

In the ridiculous circus that has become American politics I do believe that Biden is a better veep pick for the general election. This by no means signifies that I personally endorse the choice.

Even in the early days of the Democratic primary when I thought Obama might actually be a worthy candidate I still maintained that McCain would probably win the election. I held that belief until I heard he picked Palin as veep. I'm still slightly leaning towards McCain winning (not an endorsement), but he certainly made the wrong choice.

All McCain had to do to win was settle for Pawlenty since he couldn't go with the person that would cement his victory (Lieberman). Appealing to the Republican base and hoping to court those rabid PUMAS was a desperate gamble that is almost certain to fail.

If Obama's "lack of experience" is such an issue why choose someone like Palin? McCain is a lot more likely to take ill or to be blunt, die than Obama. I doubt anyone wants a staunch social conservative with little experience to be running things if McCain kicks the bucket.

If McCain had only gone with his gut this election would be wrapped up nicely for him with Lieberman by his side. Now, Obiden's chances suddenly looks a lot better.

1 comment:

Brendan Steinhauser said...

I think Palin will actually appeal to a lot of small town, rural, socially conservative voters.

And yes, women. There is a lot of excitement out there about her story, her family and her historic "achievement."

The t.v. ratings are interesting: