Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Did Racism Give Hillary a Boost in West Virginia?

Is anyone actually surprised that Hillary won West Virginia last night? Weren't the media predicting exactly what happened? Let's address the elephant in the room and acknowledge that a certain amount of West Virginia voters did not vote for Obama because he is black. Its impossible to know what percentage of voters let race determine their vote, but it is most assuredly higher than exit polling suggests.

As a white male who is the son of a father who works in a muffler plant, and hails from a small, rural community in central Texas I think I'm entitled to a voice my opinion on this matter. I can tell you that in my experience among blue-collar white working class people, race does matter whether people are willing to admit it or not. They may not use the n word, but at the subconscious level it has influence.

The race will continue with Obama losing by a significant margin in Kentucky for essentially the same reasons he lost West Virginia, but winning Oregon and the rest of the primaries to follow.

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