Monday, September 22, 2008

Free Market Principles Should Be Applied to Political Candidates

This post is directed to my free-market friends. A while back I wrote a post about abolishing the two-party political system in America. The rhetoric may have been a little too 'revolutionary' for those of you with a more conservative approach.

The two major political parties are essentially entrenched monopolies that are exclusive and act as conservative engines. In free-market democracy anyone should be able to run for office, not just the uber wealthy and connected. By limiting ourselves to two parties we are effectively distorting the market for politicians. The entire process should be more open-source and bottom-up than top-down.

The Obama movement and to a lesser extent the Ron Paul movement have shown us how effective grass-roots can be. This approach should be taken further and the process should be opened up, instead of allowing two brands that are both out of touch with the harsh political realities of the 21st century.

Let the market decide who the best candidates are.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Palin Offended by 'bush' Doctrine

I figured out why Palin had that deer in the headlights moment when Charlie Gibson asked her if she supported the Bush doctrine. She thought Gibson was referring to her stance on pubic hair. As a social conservative is Mrs. Palin anti-bush?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Top 10 Reasons College Students Should Vote McCain Palin

10.McCain is a great public speaker.
9. If McCain is elected you won't have to ever see the White House on an episode of MTV Cribs.
8. The McCain administration will outlaw abortion. Congrats bro, you won't have to pay for your one night stand's abortion.
7. McCain will eliminate the death tax. Bro, your trust fund is secure!
6. If McCain dies and Palin steps in, no big deal, you're already used to being told what to do by your mother.
5. New cabinet position: Secretary of Cougars
4. Isn't McCain the guy that starred in all those Vietnam movies?
3. John McCain's wife owns a BEER distributorship. Dude, did you say BEER?
2. Palin rhymes with nailin...nuff said.
1. McCain is a maverick, just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Putin Allready Killed Tiger, Says 'Cougar' Palin Next

As Vladimir Putin sat in his satin smoking jacket, puffing on a cigar, and sipping on a glass of straight vodka and watching the RNC on satellite he probably "pu-ted" in his pants after hearing John McCain talk about Russia invading Georgia. He probably muttered something along the lines of "You bunch of cowboys...I told you touch nothing."

McCain had the gusto to say that Russia invaded a smaller nation (Georgia) to secure its oil future. Apparently the bobble-heads at the RNC didn't see a shred of hypocrisy in that statement.

Putin, who by the way killed himself a bear when he was only three recently shot and killed a runaway tiger to send a message to John McCain that he won't be intimidated by a cougar like Palin.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Alert: Putin Hired by Sigfried and Roy

Following Putin's recent heroics involving a tiger Sigfried and Roy have decided to hire him full-time.

A Neo-Libertarian Platform

The weakness of the current two political parties is becoming more and more apparent each year. Each party has its share of good and terrible ideas and positions. It is difficult to support one party or the other because half of each platform sucks.

This has led me to create the Neo-Libertarian platform. To give you an idea of what the Neo-Libertarian movement/party would come from I will give you a run-down of the platform's answer to the most talked about election issues of the day.

The most important thing to Neo-Libertarian's is freedom.

Abortion-The state has no right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. The female sex did not choose to be the bearers of children, they were simply born with that gift/curse depending on how you choose to look at it. Men do not have to endure the physical responsibility of pregnancy and all that goes along with it. Also, banning abortion makes criminals of our wives, sisters, and mothers.

Immigration-Secure the borders to keep us safe from terrorism, but also make it easier to legally immigrate to the US. Mexico is a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness. Go with the free-market on this one. Legal immigrants will bring new ideas and culture which will only better serve us in the global economy and they will be able to contribute to the tax base. Illegal immigration burdens state and federal budgets by forcing illegals to be paid in cash.

Economics-Like it or not, the Free-market is the fairest approach for a society. In the global economy capital will go where the least amount of regulation exists. We should stop distorting markets with unnecessary subsidies and crony capitalism. There are simply too many variables involved in the global economy for anyone to comprehend successfully. Central economic planning simply will not work because no one is smart enough to do it.

However, we must also realize that you cannot choose what economic situation you are born into. We should seek to provide education and etc. in order to give everyone a chance to compete in the global economy. Children from poorer income families are at a severe disadvantage in this regard. This distorts the labor and other markets.

Defense-Even the RAND corporation admits that armed conflict/force is increasingly less effective. Stop spending untold billions on defense. We have the largest defense budget in the world by far and that is just the numbers that actually get reported. Who knows how many trillions of dollars we spend on defense.

We need to realize that Western Europe, parts of Eastern Europe and Australia are important allies. We need to work together to promote free societies as opposed to bickering. We should work together with these allies and build a coalition if we hope to survive the rise of the East.

We should protect ourselves and our interests, but not unilaterally. We are behind in education and our infrastructure is crumbling. We should spend at least a few billion on those issues instead if we hope to compete in the global economy.

Gun Control-Prohibition of firearms ensures two things, a dangerous black market for guns and that criminals will have guns and ordinary citizens will not. I'm not suggesting passing out guns like condoms. Criminal background checks and waiting periods are ok to maintain public safety. Not to mention we are guaranteed this right in the 4th amendment.

The Drug War-A huge waste of money and manpower. Our drug problem destabilizes entire countries (ex. Colombia) and the blackmarket drug trade finances our enemies (Taliban). Treat drug use as a medical issue instead of making them criminals. Our prison are severely overcrowded with drug offenders.

The Death Penalty-The state should not have the authority to take a human life. The legal system is unfair to the poor and minorities.

How many innocent people have been vindicated through DNA evidence? How many innocent people were executed before DNA? Being imprisoned for a crime you didn't commit would have to be one of the worst things that could happen to a person.

These are just a few of the pillars of the Neo-Libertarian platform. Stay tuned for more.

Palin Will Probably Cost McCain the Election

Following Obama's capitulation on FISA, I became increasingly disillusioned with his campaign. Even though I voted for him TWICE, once in the Texas primary and once during the caucus I have since decided not to vote for him in the general election.

In the ridiculous circus that has become American politics I do believe that Biden is a better veep pick for the general election. This by no means signifies that I personally endorse the choice.

Even in the early days of the Democratic primary when I thought Obama might actually be a worthy candidate I still maintained that McCain would probably win the election. I held that belief until I heard he picked Palin as veep. I'm still slightly leaning towards McCain winning (not an endorsement), but he certainly made the wrong choice.

All McCain had to do to win was settle for Pawlenty since he couldn't go with the person that would cement his victory (Lieberman). Appealing to the Republican base and hoping to court those rabid PUMAS was a desperate gamble that is almost certain to fail.

If Obama's "lack of experience" is such an issue why choose someone like Palin? McCain is a lot more likely to take ill or to be blunt, die than Obama. I doubt anyone wants a staunch social conservative with little experience to be running things if McCain kicks the bucket.

If McCain had only gone with his gut this election would be wrapped up nicely for him with Lieberman by his side. Now, Obiden's chances suddenly looks a lot better.