This post is directed to my free-market friends. A while back I wrote a post about abolishing the two-party political system in America. The rhetoric may have been a little too 'revolutionary' for those of you with a more conservative approach.
The two major political parties are essentially entrenched monopolies that are exclusive and act as conservative engines. In free-market democracy anyone should be able to run for office, not just the
uber wealthy and connected. By limiting ourselves to two parties we are effectively distorting the market for politicians. The entire process should be more open-source and bottom-up than top-down.
Obama movement and to a lesser extent the Ron Paul movement have shown us how effective grass-roots can be. This approach should be taken further and the process should be opened up, instead of allowing two brands that are both out of touch with the harsh political realities of the 21st century.
Let the market decide who the best candidates are.